Sunday, June 30, 2024

REVIEW: The Titan's Bride (manga, vol. 3) by ITKZ, translated by Katrina Leonoudakis

The Titan's Bride is a fantasy BL series. I bought my copy of this volume new.


Kouichi has decided to go back to his own world, thinking that Caius, powerful as he is, can surely summon another bride for himself. However, there are details Caius didn't mention. Once he learns the truth, Kouichi reconsiders his decision.

Although Kouichi and Caius are now a happily married couple, things still aren't perfect. Kouichi realizes that, due to their size difference, he's the only one who's fully satisfied when they have sex. Caius is fine with this, but Kouichi isn't, so the two of them agree to seek out a famous elven sex researcher and ask for his advice.

I feel like a lot of the fantasy races in this series need to be saved from themselves. This time around, we meet our first elf. Just like the titans are devoted to "prosperity," elves are driven to seek knowledge. It can get to the point where they're so obsessed they forget to eat or drink. At the same time, if they stop seeking knowledge, it negatively affects their lifespan and power.

The elven sex researcher, Reiquerd Carlsine, was surprisingly delightful (which helped, somewhat, to make up for the slime attack scene). I suppose you could call him a sex nerd - despite the fact that elves, in this world, don't have much of a sex drive themselves, he's utterly obsessed with sex and ensuring that everyone who wants to can enjoy it to the fullest. If you want random sex factoids joyfully shouted at you, he's your guy. I hope he turns into a series regular.

Volume 4 comes out next month, and I'm looking forward to it.


A sweet bonus comic about Kouichi's best friend back in his world, as well as an additional humor-focused page.

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