Wednesday, June 12, 2024

REVIEW: Another 2001 (book) by Yukito Ayatsuji, translated by Nicole Wilder

Another 2001 is a combination of Japanese horror and mystery. I bought my copy new.


It's 2001, and yet another "on" year for Grade 3 Class 3, this time from the POV of Sou, a relative of someone who died due to the previous "calamity" in 1998. After the way things went in 1998, it's decided that the usual preventative method of declaring one person in the class a "non-exister" isn't enough. Instead, there will be two: Sou and Hazumi. Sou is willing and determined to play his part well. Hazumi, on the other hand, is less committed.

As things begin to fall apart, Sou clings to the hope that Misaki Mei, a girl who was a student in the 1998 Grade 3 Class 3, can provide some useful advice and information. Unfortunately, whatever it is about the curse that interferes with people's memories has blurred hers - she no longer remembers how she and Koichi were able to bring the deaths to a halt in 1998. 

I recommend not starting the series with this book - either read the first Another book or watch the anime to get an idea about how the curse works and find out what happened in 1998. The way some of the characters in this book act will also make more sense if you know the first story (a good example: the umbrella scene).

I thought this was more fairly written than the first Another book, but maybe a bit too obvious. I caught on to who both of the casualties were a while before the truth was revealed, although I didn't know their full circumstances. The first book was creepier overall, as well, probably because Sou, unlike Koichi, knew exactly what he was getting into.

Still, this was an intriguing read. I wonder if Ayatsuji has any plans to write an entry in this series in which the curse haunting Grade 3 Class 3 is finally broken somehow? I hope so - it'd be a nice way to wrap things up.

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