Sunday, June 23, 2024

REVIEW: Moon Knight: The Complete Collection (graphic novel) written by Jeff Lemire, art by Greg Smallwood, Wilfredo Torres, Michael Garland, Francesco Francavilla, James Stokoe

Moon Knight: The Complete Collection collects Moon Knight (2016) #1-14. I bought my copy of this volume new.


Marc Spector is Moon Knight, the hero who was resurrected by the Egyptian god Khonshu. Or is he? Part of him is in a mental institution, being treated for dissociative identity disorder. Part of him sees behind the mental institution to the various Egyptian gods and monsters that torment him and his friends in the guise of institution employees. Which view of the world is the real one?

As Marc struggles to figure out where he is and what's going on, his view of the world and his own identity fractures even further. He's a cabbie named Jake Lockley. He's a wealthy movie producer named Steven Grant, working on a live action movie production of Moon Knight for Marvel. He's Marc Spector, an astronaut battling his way through space werewolves. He's Mr. Knight.

Well. This was my introduction to Moon Knight. I haven't seen the TV series yet, so I have no idea how this compares to that, but I'd read somewhere that Lemire's Moon Knight was a good place to start if you're new to the character. While that's certainly true in the sense that this gives you a sort of origin story, it's, let's say, extremely confusing. 

It's supposed to be - Marc has no idea what's going on or what's true, and neither do you. The problem was, I wasn't really sure what was true even by the time I got to the end of the volume. Like, I didn't even know if his friends were actually his friends or just imaginary friends he maybe built off of real people in order to keep him and his other identities company. Did he actually meet a god deep in the desert, and was he actually resurrected by that god? Or was he just a guy struggling with mental illness who could occasionally fake competence via a perfect balance between his various identities?

At this point, I don't know that Moon Knight is really for me. 


Short afterwords by Jeff Lemire, Greg Smallwood, Jordie Bellaire, and Cory Petit, as well as several cover variants.

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