Saturday, June 22, 2024

REVIEW: Batman: Wayne Family Adventures, Vol. 2 (graphic novel) written by CRC Payne, inks by Starbite and Toby Fan

Batman: Wayne Family Adventures is a slice-of-life story about Bruce Wayne and his found family (Alfred, the various former Robins, etc.). I bought my copy of this volume new.


If you liked the first volume, you're more than likely going to enjoy this one, since it delivers more of the same, along with tidbits of serious stuff like PTSD, imposter syndrome, overwork, etc. 

It occasionally had a "very special message" sort of feel that was a bit much for me, but I still loved it overall. You get to see Superman and Batman hanging out as pals, Alfred and the Kents talking about parenthood, and more fun and occasionally warm and fuzzy stuff. 


A couple pages of bonus sketches.

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