Wednesday, June 12, 2024

REVIEW: Pixels of You (graphic novel) written by Ananth Hirsch and Yuko Ota, illustrated by J.R. Doyle

Pixels of You is a science fiction graphic novel. I bought my copy new.


In this near-future graphic novel, Indira and Fawn are photography students interning at a local gallery. Indira is a human who was given a cybernetic eye after she was injured in the accident that killed her parents. She struggles with pain and nightmares. Fawn is a human-presenting AI who's struggling to find her path in a world with certain biases and perceptions of AI. Her parents look more robotic but gave her a more human-like body in a effort to help her fit in better, and they're currently in the process of trying to pass some kind of citizenship test required because Fawn is born-AI.

After a public clash between Indira and Fawn, a planned split showing of their photography is instead changed to a joint exhibition. If they can't learn to work together, they won't get school credit for their work.

It was clear from the snippets of text in between scenes that one of the themes the authors wanted to explore was the way systemic bias is built into AI. The actual story, however, seemed disconnected from that. We saw that while Fawn was apparently pretty popular, other AI often resented her (I assume her human-like body was extremely expensive). Indira's nightmares seemed to signify something beyond her issues dealing with her parents' death and her discomfort with her cybernetic eye, but I wasn't sure what.

A lot of possible themes are touched on but nothing was explored in any sort of depth. The art was attractive enough, but overall this was only a so-so read for me.

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