Usually, I'm so tired when the weekend rolls around that one movie at the theaters is about all I can handle, and, even with that, there's no guarantee I'll be watching it headache-free. For the past few days, however, I've been trying a new tactic. In three days, I've gotten as much sleep as I previously got in a week. Not half bad. All I do is set a "bedtime alarm" - the hard part is making myself stick to it, but so far so good.
Anyway, all this extra sleep has allowed me to see both movies I wanted to see this weekend. If you've paid any attention to the poll on the top left corner of this blog, you can probably guess that those movies are The Time Traveler's Wife and District 9.
With The Time Traveler's Wife, I ran into my usual difficulty with movies based on books. I have a very hard time not comparing these movies to the books they were based on, and this one was no exception. I thought it was an ok movie, which saddened me, because the book was more than just ok. Although I haven't read the book in a while, I was able to tell that scenes had been cut out and I was even able to remember quite a few of those scenes. For the most part, I wasn't particularly bothered about any single scene being cut out or changed (except for the ending), but I felt that, taken together, these things being left out lessened the movie's emotional impact in comparison to the book. It probably also didn't help that the movie couldn't give the audience the same view into Henry and Claire's minds that the book could. I did have certain scenes I really enjoyed in the movie, though. I think my absolute favorite is the part where Henry meets his mother on the subway.
I knew almost nothing about District 9 - I had no idea, for instance, that it was going to be so gory. The parts that made me cringe the most weren't the ones with people being blown up, however, but the parts where the main character was going through his metamorphosis. Ew. The documentary style used in the film was interesting and, I think, made the aliens seem more realistic than they might otherwise have, although it got a little awkward when the story couldn't accommodate it. At first, it was kind of hard for me to tell that the scenes I was watching weren't supposed to be things filmed by some unknown cameraperson anymore. Of course, these past couple sentences probably made no sense to anyone who hasn't seen the movie. Anyway, it's a pretty good movie, although I got a little impatient with its pacing at times. Its ending packed more of an emotional punch than I had expected.
Read-alikes, watch-alikes, and reviews/commentary for the things that entertain me
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Google fun
This, like my earlier squirrel stuff, is a bit off-topic, but it's fun. After attending an online conference presentation today in which the presenter said that libraries are in the perfect position to aggregate all available information on books, from reviews about them to digitizations of the books themselves to whatever else, better than Google (because libraries so have the money to risk enormous lawsuits...), all this somehow seems appropriate to me. By the way, yes, I use Google. Lots. I just don't preach the Google gospel like some.
Google Announces Plan to Destroy All Information It Can't Index - This one's a few years old, but still good.
Then there's this new video. Looks like Google is softening its position on non-believers a little.
Google Announces Plan to Destroy All Information It Can't Index - This one's a few years old, but still good.
Then there's this new video. Looks like Google is softening its position on non-believers a little.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Marked: The House of Night Book 1 (book) by P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast

All Zoey wants to do is be a normal girl, living a normal life. She wants her almost-boyfriend Heath, a handsome quarterback, to stop guzzling alcohol, and she hates what her family has become since her mother married John Heffer, who's a member of the People of Faith and expects his new family to conform to their beliefs. Although her life has its rough spots, she is not happy when the Tracker finds her at school and Marks her. Once she's been Marked, everyone around her is afraid of her, including Kayla, who Zoey thought was her best friend. The only one who doesn't automatically fear her is Heath - he seems drawn to her and she to him, although she eventually realizes that what she's really drawn to is his blood.
The people at school fear her, and her mother and stepfather want to drive Satan out of her with the help of the People of Faith. With no one else to turn to, Zoey runs to her Grandma Redbird. Grandma Redbird has never forgotten her Cherokee heritage and made sure that Zoey didn't either, teaching her various Cherokee rituals over the years. Zoey figures Grandma Redbird is accepting enough to still love her, and she'll know what to do. If something isn't done soon, if Zoey doesn't go to the House of Night, she'll grow sicker and sicker until she dies.
On her way to Grandma Redbird, Zoey hits her head and has a vision in which she meets Nyx, the vampyre Goddess, who tells her that she is special and will act as Nyx's first true Daughter of Night. When Zoey wakes up, she finds that her grandmother has taken her to the House of Night. Grandma Redbird eventually leaves, with the assurance that Zoey will be taken care of by Neferet, High Priestess of Nyx and now Zoey's mentor in the House of Night. It's already apparent that Zoey's not the average fledgling - the crescent moon tattoo that she was Marked with is completely filled in, like that of a mature vampyre. However, only Zoey knows about her meeting with the Goddess. Something compels her to keep that information a secret from Neferet.
During Zoey's tour of the House of Night, Neferet has to leave for a few minutes, and Zoey stumbles upon a female student offering a male student a blow job. It's obvious that the two have history and that not all of that history is good. The guy turns the girl down and then spots Zoey - the two of them have some kind of moment, until the female student gets pissed off and Zoey runs away. Later on during her tour, Zoey finds out that the female student is named Aphrodite (students can choose to rename themselves when they enter the House of Night, and that's the name she chose for herself). Because Aphrodite is the leader of the Dark Daughters (sort of like a combination Honor Society and sorority) and is therefore likely to become High Priestess one day, she thinks she's queen of the school, and she hates Zoey and anyone else who doesn't follow her lead.
Because vampyres don't like the sunlight (they don't burst into flames, but their eyes are extra sensitive to it), classes are held at night. Zoey gradually gets used to her new class schedule, which includes "Vampyre Sociology 101," "Drama 101" (in the outside world, vampyres are heavily represented in the arts - for instance, most big-name actors and actresses are vampyres), "Lit 101," "Fencing," "Spanish 101," and "Intro to Equestrian Studies." During her drama class, she sees the boy she saw with Aphrodite again - his name is Erik Night, and he's a fifth former (Zoey is considered a third former - I believe you're considered a full-fledged vampyre when you make it past the sixth former stage).
Although Zoey makes lots of friends and enjoys her classes, it's not all light and happiness. Fledglings like Zoey and her friends can die at any moment. The Change is tough, and two third formers die during the course of this book. Also, having Aphrodite as her enemy doesn't exactly make Zoey's life easy. Because it's obvious that she's special (what with her filled-in Mark and all), Aphrodite invites her to a Dark Daughters ritual, hoping to scare her off by slipping her some real blood in her ceremonial wine without telling her. Usually, a third former wouldn't like the taste of blood yet, but Zoey's not a regular third former. The wine tastes good to her, although she throws it all up when she finds out it contained blood from a fellow third former (fledglings aren't allowed to drink human blood).
Zoey doesn't like the Dark Daughters in general and Aphrodite in particular, but she agrees to join in the hopes of overthrowing Aphrodite. Things have happened during various rituals that have led Zoey to believe that she may make a stronger potential High Priestess than Aphrodite, so Zoey's friends happily back her.
Because she believes that cleaning up the Dark Daughters is vital, Zoey almost misses out on a chance to date Erik Night, but the two have a date lined up by the end of the book. Also, Zoey does indeed manage to take over the Dark Daughters, but Aphrodite, whose special ability involves having visions of future misfortunes, warns her that she doesn't know what's really going on and that she's only going to be used - Zoey's first thought when she says this is of a vague and bloody vision Aphrodite had and the red-eyed ghosts/zombies/whatever of the supposedly dead third formers Zoey had seen. Oh, and Heath, who Zoey accidentally managed to Imprint (bonding him to her like a lovesick puppy, something a third former shouldn't be able to do) will probably be ok.
Like I said, the basic idea behind this book isn't original. "Special schools for special people" can be found all throughout young adult and children's literature. The world the authors have created is interesting, although I'm not sure how well it would hold up if more details were given. What I mean is, human beings are frightened of vampyres. However, vampyres are so insanely popular in the arts that all the really well-known people in any area (painting, acting, etc.) tend to be vampyres. Vampyres like Aphrodite help prevent major disasters (Aphrodite tries to hide her visions, but, when she can't, the information from her visions helps prevent things like plane crashes and more). I'm sure there are vampyres with other abilities that the world at large finds useful. There are rules against vampyres feeding willy nilly from humans. And yet, despite all of the good things vampyres do for people, their popularity, and all the rules they have protecting human beings, they're still feared. It works from afar, but I'm not sure how cohesive it would all be if the Casts tried to create a fuller picture of the outside world. However, it looks kind of like they're going to keep the focus on the House of Night and vampyres, so maybe that won't ever be a problem for them.
While I liked the book as a whole, it kind of bothered me how neatly everything came together for Zoey, especially since she seemed to have such bad taste in friends and boyfriends in her human life. As a human, her best friend was an airhead who was trying to steal her almost-boyfriend (Zoey always calls him that, as though to distance herself from him, but it really just makes her seem wishy washy - it's obvious Heath isn't going to change, and you already think he's lacking in brain cells, so just dump him already, Zoey!). Her almost-boyfriend cheated or almost-cheated on her with her best friend and was slowly killing all his brain cells with alcohol and drugs. After she's Marked, Zoey instantly ends up with a crew of nice, trustworthy friends who don't act the slightest bit jealous that she's obviously meant for great things and has Erik Night, the hottest guy at the school, chasing after her. The only remaining sign of her previously iffy taste in people (other than that Heath continues to be a problem) is her decision to be with Erik Night despite the little things that prick her attention - that he was with Aphrodite for so long despite her obvious meanness and selfishness and that he didn't seem to have any problems with Aphrodite drugging a human guard.
Near the end of the book, when Neferet makes Zoey the new leader of the Dark Daughters, Zoey finds herself wondering why she ever felt she couldn't tell Neferet everything. My theory, which Aphrodite's final words seem to support, is that Neferet and other mature vampyres are involved in whatever it is that makes fledgling vampyres that appeared to die in the Change turn into something red-eyed and evil. Zoey didn't see the first third former die, but she did see the second - she sees Neferet give him something to drink, something that supposedly makes his death less painful, and she's told that Neferet is always there for the fledglings who die.
At the time, all of these things seem like the activities of someone who's trying to help fledglings with inevitable death, but what if the stuff she gave them to drink turned them into something else? What if Neferet is always with those who reject the Change just so that she can help them become true monsters? There have been several times when Neferet has gone cold and scary, and Zoey always brushes those moments off, but what if there's something more to them? After years of being sexually abused by her father, Neferet may not have many reasons to like humans, so maybe she's working against them while appearing to try to help vampyres and humans live in harmony.
Unrelated to all of that, I wonder: what's with the popularity of facial tattoos lately? Pretty facial tattoos also came up in Scott Westerfeld's Uglies series, and I'm sure they've come up in other books I've read recently. I suppose that when/if all of these things are made into movies, the facial tattoos will make for some lovely visuals.
Again, unrelated to all of that: I wonder if church groups have been slamming this series? The only organized religion (other than all the Nyx worship) that comes up in this book is the People of Faith, who make me think of the people who make their kids burn Harry Potter books and Pokemon stuff.
The suggestions below are in no particuar order.
- Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (book) by J.K. Rowling - After spending 10 years with his uncle, aunt, and their bully of a son, all people who hate him, Harry Potter learns that he is a wizard and has been invited to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Although things don't exactly become easy, as he tries to deal with a new magical world he knows nothing about, his celebrity status in the world of witches and wizards, and a powerful enemy who tried to kill him when he was just a baby, Harry still manages to enjoy himself and make friends. This series has a wider audience than I expect the House of Night series does, but it'd make a nice suggestion for someone who just wants something with magic and the "special school for special kids, starring the most special kid of them all" theme.
- The Strange Power (book) by L. J. Smith - This is the first book is Smith's Dark Visions series. Kaitlyn Fairchild is a psychic whose drawings predict the future. The only problem is, her drawings usually don't make sense until after whatever they predict has happened. When she finds out about the Zeetes Institute, a place where she can learn to control her abilities, she decides to go, but the institute may have have more sinister intentions than Kaitlyn realizes. Although the Zeetes Institute isn't a school in the same way the House of Night is, it does have a bit of the "special school for special people" feel. Like Zoey, Kaitlyn finds herself dealing with potential romance and darkness and danger just under the nice surface of the Institute.
- The Initiation (book) by L. J. Smith - This is the first book in Smith's Secret Circle series, although it is no longer available on its own - the link will take you to the page for a volume combining the first book and half the second book (what were they thinking?!). Cassie isn't thrilled to move from sunny California to gloomy New England, but it isn't long before things get interesting for her. Her new school is practically ruled by a group of gorgeous teens who appear to be feared and/or respected by everyone around them. Cassie gradually discovers that, not only do these teens have special powers, so does she. As she gets involved with the group, she begins to fall for the boyfriend of one of the girls. This book and series, like Marked, has magic, a group of girls who think they're better than everyone else, a school setting, a female main character who may be able to make everything right again, and romance. Several characters are similar to characters in Marked.
- Gakuen Alice (manga) by Tachibana Higuchi - When Mikan's best friend leaves to attend the mysterious and elite Alice Academy, Mikan goes after her and tries to become a student at the academy herself. Alice Academy turns out to be a special school for children with amazing abilities (like flying, telekinesis, etc.). Once Mikan manages to prove that she belongs at the school, she becomes a student. Unfortunately, students are allowed little contact with the outside world, and there are other secrets the school and its teachers are hiding. This is meant for a younger audience than Marked, but it's still quite a lot of fun. Like Marked, there are indications that the children at the school are being used in some way. Those who'd like something else with the "special school for special people" theme (with Mikan, like Zoey, being one of the most special of them all) and a bit of romance might want to try this.
- Arrows of the Queen (book) by Mercedes Lackey - Talia is part of a very restrictive community that she doesn't feel she fits in with. She dreams of being able to leave and serve Heralds (sort of like travelling peace-makers, although they do much more than that) and their Companions (beings that have bonded with humans and that look like horses, but that are at least as intelligent as humans). Talia's wish is granted when a Companion finds her and bonds with her, taking her away to be trained as a Herald and the new Queen's Own (emotional advisor to the queen). This is the first book in Lackey's Heralds of Valdemar series. This is another "special school for special people" recommendation and has quite a few other things in common with Marked - Talia's oppressive home life, the book's detailed descriptions of her classes, equestrian class, weapons class (for Zoey it's fencing, for Talia it's quick and dirty self-defense), etc.
- The Summoning (book) by Kelley Armstrong - After Chloe Saunders suddenly starts seeing ghosts, her father and her aunt have her admitted to Lyle House, a home for troubled teens. All Chloe wants is to convince the adults at Lyle House that she's better and can leave, but it's not long before she starts noticing that there may be something sinister going on. A couple of the other teens at Lyle House are convinced that Chloe really can see ghosts and is, in fact, a necromancer - they may know what they're talking about, since one of them can do magic. This isn't a "special school for special people" book, but it has the same sort of feel at times. Like Zoey, Chloe has to deal with sudden freaky changes to her life, new friends and enemies, people who can't necessarily be trusted, and potential romance (a very tiny part of the book, since Chloe is more concerned with getting to go home that finding herself a guy in the slim pickings of Lyle House).
Cast (Kristin),
Cast (P.C.),
young adult
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Here's what I could be writing about...
I'm reaching new levels of pathetic - I can't seem to make myself write my posts! Or update my Shelfari bookshelf. Also, I managed to damage myself while sleeping and now can't turn my head all the way to the right - yesterday it hurt enough that I tearfully gobbled down arthritis-strength Tylenol just so that I could keep cataloging (we're about to get a 500-book shipment in, all at once, and I'm the only cataloger...), but today I'm doing a bit better and can laugh at how stupid the situation is.
So, since I can't offer anything else at the moment, I'll just write up a list of most of the stuff I'm procrastinating on writing about. As in, I haven't even written notes for myself. Crud. Well, I'll include some mini notes here.
So, since I can't offer anything else at the moment, I'll just write up a list of most of the stuff I'm procrastinating on writing about. As in, I haven't even written notes for myself. Crud. Well, I'll include some mini notes here.
- Foul Play by Janet Evanovich - A woman's job (as a TV clown entertaining children) is taken by a chicken. She gets blamed when the chicken goes missing, but, not to worry, a veterinarian who has fallen instantly in love with her is there to help her clear her name and figure out the true culprit. It's goofy romance - you've really got to be in the right mood to enjoy this sort of thing. I was in the mood for the romance, but not so much the mystery. Oooh, missing chicken, how mysteeerious...
- Slumdog Millionaire - It's amazing how much hype you can miss out on when you don't watch TV and only vaguely pay attention to news online, but even I heard about this movie. I just didn't want to pay $20 for it. So, when the local entertainment store had a "buy one clearance rental DVD, get a 2nd for $1" sale, I jumped on it. I liked the movie, but I felt the actual romance in it was lacking. The only thing I hated was the nearly unreadable subtitles. Also, I wanted to smack Jamal's brother.
- Naughty Neighbor by Janet Evanovich - A press secretary with an annoying (and sexy) neighbor finds her life turned upside down when said annoying neighbor's troubles start spilling over onto her. These troubles involve politicians and a missing pig. Notice a missing animal theme? The mystery is even more pathetic in this book than in Foul Play, but I found the romance more interesting. This is actually kind of embarrassing to admit, and, if I ever manage to make myself write a full post, you'll see why.
- Resident Evil: Degeneration - The Raccoon City tragedy is over, but that doesn't mean it's forgotten. After all, who could forget a bunch of zombies and other things even more horrific? Seeking revenge for the death of his family, a man lets the T-Virus loose, but things really start to suck when he becomes infected with the G-Virus. Actually, the outbreaks are pretty well-contained, so the horror is fairly small-scale. And kind of boring. With painful voice acting, despite the voice actors being veterans of many anime. The English voice actors - there's no Japanese language track. This was a horrible, horrible movie. I plan to sell it as soon as I've written a full post about it.
- Promises in Death by J.D. Robb - Coltraine, Morris's girlfriend and a fellow cop, is killed and it's up to Eve Dallas to bring her murderer to justice. It's not just any old case for her, not just the job - and I was thinking, "when is it ever just the job for Dallas?", but Robb made such a big deal about this I had to mention it. Robb tried to play with readers' emotions by bumping Coltraine up to "Morris's increasingly important girlfriend" status in the previous book, but I found I couldn't work up the kind of shock and sadness over her death that Robb was maybe going for. I did really like Dallas's new car though. I wonder how she'll wreck it?
- Serve It Cold by Ronnie Blackwell - One of my Podiobooks listening choices. It features several readers, but not quite enough people for me to always be able to tell the voices apart (especially when it comes to female characters). This one involves marijuana, nice New Orleans detail (not sure how accurate it is, but it all sounded good to me), a very fishy divorce case, some exhibitionists, art, and murder. I liked it, even though it was a bit too complicated for work time listening.
- 8810 by Nicholas Taylor - Another one of my Podiobooks listening choices. A guy gets a job in the auditing department of a big insurance company and must deal with the boringness of his job, his coworkers (some become his friends, others are just weird, and some fall somewhere in between), and the Dilbert-like idiocy that is just a part of corporate life. It's kind of like The Office, only it's not consistently funny. However, it's still well worth a listen. Plus, I love some of the Colorado details - the bit about Halloween in Colorado is absolutely perfect and absolutely true.
- Black Bird, vol. 1 by Kanoko Sakurakoji - Misao is horrified to discover that Kyo, her first love, is actually a tengu, a kind of demon, and that she has the dubious honor of being special - a demon who drinks her blood gains a long life, one who eats her flesh gains eternal youth, and one who makes her his bride will have a prosperous clan. Kyo wants her to be his bride and promises to protect her from all who would harm her, but Misao doesn't want him if he only wants her for what she can do for his clan. I don't know what the whole series will be like, but this volume was one big excuse for Misao to get hurt repeatedly, so that Kyo could heal her. By the way, he heals using licks and kisses. If you flip through it and think it has a lot of sex, that's because you're mistaking the healing scenes for sex scenes. I'm sure the similarity is intentional. It's not porn, but it's racy. I think it may become my guilty pleasure, at least until I tire of watching the many ways Misao can bleed all over the place.
- Fullmetal Alchemist, Season 1, Part 1 - I now own the whole series (minus the OVAs, which I might not be able to afford for some time - if I decide to pay it, the ALA membership fee will kill all my extra cash and then some this month). You have no idea how happy this makes me. I would list this series among my top 5 favorite anime. I've only ever seen it all in English dub, so it's a treat to see it in Japanese. Watching this while I'm watching Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood really brings home how fast the new series is speeding through things. On the one hand, I think that does a disservice to the characters and some of the heavier emotional stuff, but, on the other hand, the pacing of the original series could've been a tad faster.
- In Odd We Trust by Queenie Chan and Dean Koontz - I haven't quite figured out yet how much of the writing Koontz did versus Chan, but, regardless of who did how much, I wasn't impressed. This manga-inspired volume, which takes place before the events of Koontz's Odd Thomas, didn't communicate Odd's charm well. Plus, the story was very simplistic, and the art was wooden. I don't know what Chan's art is like in her other works, but, in this, the artwork as a whole needs to be more dynamic and there are basics, like perspective, that need work (Sherry's headband, or whatever you call it, really bothered me - you can always see the entire curve of it, even when her face is in profile).
- Skip Beat!, vol. 1 by Yoshiki Nakamura - ILLiad is down at my library and has been down for two weeks now, so, while I'm happy that I've started reading this manga, I can't wait until it's possible for me to request the next volume, because it seems like it might be a while before I can reach the point where the anime ended. I really like this series, but I have to admit that I prefer the anime so far - I just like the artwork in the anime better.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Well that's kind of odd
I just took a look at my visits in Statcounter for the first time in days. I had something odd happen on Saturday. If I'm reading this right, someone visited 109 posts in this blog over the course of 8 or 9 hours. I suppose it could've been a very dedicated new reader with strong eyes, no concern for carpal tunnel, and way too much time on their hands, but I'm not that optimistic. Now I'm kind of wondering if I'll one day stumble across a cloned version of this blog, or at least many copies of its posts. Pretty pathetic, if that's the case - I try to catch grammatical and spelling errors, but, beyond that, my writing isn't exactly stellar. I used to at least try to limit the length of my posts - now I just write whatever I feel like, in however much detail I feel like.
Monday, August 3, 2009
I'm baaack!
Ok, so I never actually left - it was just one of those weeks. The AC in my apartment started dripping, twice, which wasn't great for all the stuff nearby it... including my blow dryer. I had no idea that thing was a bit wet inside when I plugged it in, but at least all that happened was that I got to hear a scary sizzly snapping noise. Now I just have slight water seepage from my bathroom floor - here's hoping I can convince the apartment maintenance people to do something about it before it turns into mold.
A few plastic storage containers, a new blow dryer, a quart of chocolate fudge ice cream, and a day off have helped my mood some. I'm very behind on my blogging, though, which seems a bit pathetic. One post a week is all I aim for, and I didn't even manage that.
I do have lots to write about, both in full posts and in passing. I've been getting much more into listening to books/stories in podcast form. During the past few work days, I've been listening to The Leviathan Chronicles - I highly recommend it (there's a trailer on the site - at least go try that out!). If it were just a book, I'm not sure I'd be saying that, since the story is slower paced than I'd like and the mystery element not as interesting as it could be. However, the production is excellent. It's not an audio book - if I had to compare it to something, I'd say it's like a radio play. There's a full cast, enough sound effects to make you think you're listening to a TV show or something, and a narrator. It all sounds really, really good, and it's a joy to listen to. Even if the story continues to not grab me, I'll still listen to it. The only drawback, for me, was the size of the files - well, the first file, at least, since I never tried any of the others. With Podiobooks stuff, I usually download all the files and then listen to them in Windows Media Player - it's easy to tell where I've stopped for the day, and I don't have to pause my cataloging to click to the next file. Because the files are so big, I just listen to The Leviathan Chronicles directly on the site - not too big a deal, but the site's player doesn't tell you how many minutes or seconds into a chapter you are (or even how long a chapter is), so it's a little hard for me to stop in the middle of a chapter and start it up at the same spot the next day.
Well, moving on. I decided to go see a movie today - in particular, I saw The Ugly Truth. Happily, it cost me less than $3, because it failed on all levels. It was a romantic comedy that was neither romantic nor funny. I think there were a couple scenes that made me laugh, but I can't say what they were, since those scenes were so unforgettable that I can't remember them mere hours after seeing the movie. As far as the romance goes, it seems like the script writers decided that simply calling something romantic makes it romantic, which, unfortunately for them, isn't true. For instance, there's a bit near the end where the two main characters, Abby and Mike, suddenly succumb to the passion/lust that started to build between them during an earlier dancing scene - they start kissing in an elevator and probably would've torn each other's clothes off if they'd been somewhere more private. Later, Abby says something about this time in the elevator being incredibly romantic. Huh? Passionate, ok, lustful, yes, but romantic? Do the script writers even know what romance is?
That's only one of my complaints about the movie, but I can't say I hated it as much as so many critics did. It just wasn't very good, and I'd probably be more upset about that if the movie ticket had cost me more and if there had been anything else I'd decided not to see so that I could see this instead. The nice thing about the movie theater here is that it's cheap. The not-so-nice thing is that they only show a handful of movies at a time. I've already seen the new Harry Potter movie and have no desire to watch stealth guinea pigs or whatever else is showing right now. I'm looking forward to The Time Traveler's Wife in a couple weeks, though.
That's it for now. Hopefully I'll get off my butt and finish a book or movie post sometime in the next few days.
A few plastic storage containers, a new blow dryer, a quart of chocolate fudge ice cream, and a day off have helped my mood some. I'm very behind on my blogging, though, which seems a bit pathetic. One post a week is all I aim for, and I didn't even manage that.
I do have lots to write about, both in full posts and in passing. I've been getting much more into listening to books/stories in podcast form. During the past few work days, I've been listening to The Leviathan Chronicles - I highly recommend it (there's a trailer on the site - at least go try that out!). If it were just a book, I'm not sure I'd be saying that, since the story is slower paced than I'd like and the mystery element not as interesting as it could be. However, the production is excellent. It's not an audio book - if I had to compare it to something, I'd say it's like a radio play. There's a full cast, enough sound effects to make you think you're listening to a TV show or something, and a narrator. It all sounds really, really good, and it's a joy to listen to. Even if the story continues to not grab me, I'll still listen to it. The only drawback, for me, was the size of the files - well, the first file, at least, since I never tried any of the others. With Podiobooks stuff, I usually download all the files and then listen to them in Windows Media Player - it's easy to tell where I've stopped for the day, and I don't have to pause my cataloging to click to the next file. Because the files are so big, I just listen to The Leviathan Chronicles directly on the site - not too big a deal, but the site's player doesn't tell you how many minutes or seconds into a chapter you are (or even how long a chapter is), so it's a little hard for me to stop in the middle of a chapter and start it up at the same spot the next day.
Well, moving on. I decided to go see a movie today - in particular, I saw The Ugly Truth. Happily, it cost me less than $3, because it failed on all levels. It was a romantic comedy that was neither romantic nor funny. I think there were a couple scenes that made me laugh, but I can't say what they were, since those scenes were so unforgettable that I can't remember them mere hours after seeing the movie. As far as the romance goes, it seems like the script writers decided that simply calling something romantic makes it romantic, which, unfortunately for them, isn't true. For instance, there's a bit near the end where the two main characters, Abby and Mike, suddenly succumb to the passion/lust that started to build between them during an earlier dancing scene - they start kissing in an elevator and probably would've torn each other's clothes off if they'd been somewhere more private. Later, Abby says something about this time in the elevator being incredibly romantic. Huh? Passionate, ok, lustful, yes, but romantic? Do the script writers even know what romance is?
That's only one of my complaints about the movie, but I can't say I hated it as much as so many critics did. It just wasn't very good, and I'd probably be more upset about that if the movie ticket had cost me more and if there had been anything else I'd decided not to see so that I could see this instead. The nice thing about the movie theater here is that it's cheap. The not-so-nice thing is that they only show a handful of movies at a time. I've already seen the new Harry Potter movie and have no desire to watch stealth guinea pigs or whatever else is showing right now. I'm looking forward to The Time Traveler's Wife in a couple weeks, though.
That's it for now. Hopefully I'll get off my butt and finish a book or movie post sometime in the next few days.
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