Sunday, June 30, 2024

REVIEW: The Titan's Bride (manga, vol. 2) by ITKZ, translated by Katrina Leonoudakis

The Titan's Bride is a fantasy BL manga series. I bought my copy of this volume new.


Things don't go as planned when Caius attempts to get the raisa fruit needed to cure Kouichi, but he manages to make everything work out anyway.

Now that he's no longer in danger of dying from magical lust, Kouichi can't help but think about the people he left behind in his own world. He's sure they're worried sick about him - can he really leave them behind forever? 

All right, so this volume starts off with a wolf-like beastman thinking Kouichi is in heat and trying to, ah, help him out with that. Not my cup of tea, even if Baru, the beastman in question, truly thought he was doing something necessary. Thankfully, the volume's other sex scenes are fully consensual.

In this more emotional series entry, Kouichi worries about best friend and his uncle and freaks out when he learns that, if he opts to stay with Caius, the magic that brought him to this world will write him out of his own world. It's a decent enough attempt at convincing readers that Kouichi might change his mind about staying with Caius (although Kouichi was apparently only close to three people, one of whom is dead, so it also isn't hard to imagine him changing his mind back).

As much as the cover image makes me wince, I have to admit I still like this series. The artwork is decent, and Caius is devoted and sweet. Well, I guess the cover art at least makes it clear that the "explicit content" warning on the back is there for a reason.


A bonus chapter, and a couple additional comedy-focused pages.

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