Friday, June 21, 2024

REVIEW: The Girl That Can't Get a Girlfriend (autobiographical manga) by Mieri Hiranishi

The Girl That Can't Get a Girlfriend is an autobiographical manga. I bought my copy new.


In this autobiographical manga, Mieri is an awkward, nerdy lesbian who thinks her dreams have come true when she meets Ash, a hot androgynous woman, and realizes her feelings are returned. They date for about a month, and Mieri pretty much exists for Ash. Then they break up, and Mieri still feels crushed four years later.

I actually finished this several months ago and am only now getting around to reviewing it. I...was not impressed. Mieri's obsession with Ash wasn't exactly healthy - in fact, her general theme seemed to be low self-esteem and putting anyone she deemed attractive on a pedestal. 

The author did get to a place, by the end of the volume, where she realized that she needed to work on being a person she could like and approve of, though, so that was nice. But she never really got past the point of viewing every aspect of her life as discrete blocks that she had to crowbar into her life rather than things that could, even just some of the time, work and function together.

I could see this being a relatable read for some folks, and it had some funny moments, but I was expecting a bit more from it than I got.


A bonus comic/author's note, a couple Q&A pages, and a bonus gallery with cover sketch ideas.

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