Saturday, June 22, 2024

REVIEW: Sugar Apple Fairy Tale, Vol. 3: The Silver Sugar Master and the Ivory Aristocrat (book) by Miri Mikawa, illustrated by Aki, translated by Nicole Wilder

Sugar Apple Fairy Tale is a Japanese fantasy romance series. I bought my copy of this volume new.


Due to a poor harvest of sugar apples, Anne must work at the Radcliffe House (where she has nothing but enemies, except Keith) to refine communal sugar in order to be allowed to make enough of her own sugar for the next candy fair. While working herself to the bone making both communal sugar and sugar for her own personal use, she must somehow come up with a design for her silver sugar sculpture and find the time to make it.

In this volume, we learn a little more about the complicated history between fairies and humans, specifically the relationship between the King of Fairies and the first human king. 

This one was a rough read. I think Anne got about 2-3 hours of sleep a night, at best, and the poor girl still had to deal with bullies in addition to everything else.

At times, Challe comes across like a Middle Grade Daemon Sadi (from Anne Bishop's Black Jewels trilogy) - he doesn't care what most humans think about him and he knows how to use his own looks as a weapon. At the same time, he's clueless when it comes to love. He's learning, though. Just maybe not fast enough.

The end of this volume squeezed my heart. Ugh, I want things to work out well for this couple. Okay, so the writing's a bit simplistic, but this is such an addictive series.


Black-and-white illustrations throughout, and a short afterword by the author.

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