Sunday, August 25, 2024

REVIEW: The Earl & the Fairy (manga, vol. 4) story & art by Ayuko, original concept by Mizue Tani, translated by John Werry

The Earl & the Fairy is a fantasy romance series based on a Japanese light novel series. I bought my copy of this volume used.


This is the final volume of the manga adaptation of this series. The mystery of Doris Walpole's disappearance is solved, but not before Lydia ends up in danger on multiple levels.

Okay, Edgar is cute. Just the right amount of flirty, and yet still too shy to say "don't leave me" to Lydia, so he just arranges for her to be too busy to leave.

Although this is the end of the manga adaptation, I think the light novel series goes further and maybe even wraps up the series' romantic aspects more satisfactorily. I might read the books eventually, in order to get the series' true ending. Or not, seeing as how my TBR pile is enormous and ever growing. The light novels are only available electronically, I think, and I really need to concentrate on physical items instead.


A "story thus far" section with character profiles, three humorous four-panel comics, and a short note from the author.

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