Sunday, August 25, 2024

REVIEW: The Bride Was a Boy (manga memoir) story & art by Chii, translated by Beni Axia Conrad

The Bride Was a Boy is a manga memoir. I bought my copy new.


This manga memoir focuses on transgender author Chii's experiences with dating, transitioning, legally changing her gender, and getting married. Not everyone in her life knew she was transgender, but her family did and were very supportive, and Husband-kun (the way she refers to her husband throughout) just wanted to be with her however he could. 

This was very low drama - like I said, both Chii's family and Husband-kun were very supportive every step of the way. This was the lightest and fluffiest of memoirs, although it didn't ignore some of the difficult issues. Chii devotes a good amount of detail to explaining that not every transgender person's experience is like hers and notes the ways that laws in Japan surrounding marriage and gender make things unfairly difficult for LGBT people.

This probably could've used a translator's note with additional details. There were a few footnotes here and there to clarify some things (like the fact that LGBT+ is used more in the West when Chii explains that LGBTs is used in Japan), but there were still some gaps.

Overall, this was a light and informative read with ridiculously cute artwork.


Several full-color pages, afterwords written by both Chii and Husband-kun, a "works cited" page, and a bonus four-panel comic about Chii and Husband-kun's first anniversary. The author also has pages throughout in which she addresses misconceptions about sexuality, gender, and transitioning.

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