Monday, March 18, 2024

REVIEW: My Androgynous Boyfriend (manga, vol. 3) by Tamekou, translated by Jocelyne Allen

My Androgynous Boyfriend is a slice-of-life manga with romantic and humorous elements. I bought my copy of this volume new.


Kira (Meguru's model friend from volume 1) invites Meguru and Sasame to his house and gets kind of jealous when Meguru spends a lot of time talking to Sasame. After that, Meguru has to learn to sing and gets paired with a voice coach who wants to be an otokoyaku (actresses who play male roles). One of Wako's mangakas gets hooked on Unicorn Boys (the name of Meguru and Sasame's duo) and wants to draw them, which of course pleases Wako. There are also some couple-y chapters featuring Meguru and Wako - the two of them decluttering their home, working from home together, buying a fridge together, as well as a flashback to Meguru and Wako's earliest days as a couple.

This may be the best volume so far, if only because of the quality of the couple moments involving Meguru and Wako. I particularly enjoyed the cuteness of them trying to work from home together, and the end of the fridge-buying scene. There were no scenes in which Wako tried to nudge Meguru into things he wasn't entirely comfortable with in order to advance his career, so that was a breath of fresh air.

This part with Wako's mangaka felt very nearly like the author was breaking the fourth wall and explaining, via that character, why this series has no real plot or angst. As Wako said, "Would it be okay if there isn't a story? Isn't it enough for the manga to have beautiful boys doing things? You don't need reasons. Everyone will be looking at their faces." (137-138) Okay, Tamekou, I mean Wako.

The series has spent a lot of time on androgynous/beautiful guys so far (which, considering the title, isn't surprising), but I appreciated the introduction of a few androgynous/handsome female characters. Wako even spends a chapter obsessed with otokoyaku, which, rather than making Meguru jealous, just prompts him to try out some new makeup styles. I still think that if he ever decided to stop being a model, he might have a chance as a professional makeup artist.

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