Monday, September 16, 2024

REVIEW: Velocity Weapon (book) by Megan E. O'Keefe

Velocity Weapon is science fiction. I bought my copy new.


I read this a ridiculously long time ago (June 2023, according to my reading activity) and never got around to reviewing it. I was just about to give up on the review and put it on my "finished" shelves anyway when I found some notes I'd written tucked inside. So, this review is going to happen.

Initially, this follows 3-4 POVs: Alexandra (Ada Prime's founder) and how she came up with gate technology; Jules and her crew of thieves trying to steal drugs and ending up with valuable info; Biran (a young, bright-eyed new Keeper), desperate to find his sister; and Sanda, his sister, waking up on Bero, an enemy AI-piloted ship, and learning that her world was destroyed 200 years ago.

It took ages for things to start coming together and for the connections between the various POVs to become evident. I did eventually get attached to the characters and the giant mess they were part of, although the reason why I started reading this was for its AI warship, and there wasn't as much of that as I'd have liked. I hope it (or other AI-piloted ships) gets a more prominent place in the rest of the trilogy.

I really liked Sanda, and eventually Tomas too. Biran, however, not so much - the guy was painfully idealistic.

I have the next book but still haven't started it. My TBR is eternal.

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