Monday, September 23, 2024

REVIEW: The Reign of Wolf 21: The Saga of Yellowstone's Legendary Druid Pack (nonfiction book) by Rick McIntyre

The Reign of Wolf 21 is nonfiction, the second book in McIntyre's Alpha Wolves of Yellowstone series. I bought my copy new.


In the first book of this series, McIntyre wrote about the life of Wolf 8, Wolf 21's adoptive father and alpha of the Crystal Creek pack. This book focuses on Wolf 21 and his time as alpha of Yellowstone's Druid pack. 

Although McIntyre's writing isn't anything special and often feels like field notes written out in paragraph form, with occasional asides telling readers what he'd done on a particular day, his enthusiasm and appreciation for wolves shines through. I appreciated his interpretations of wolf behavior, and following Wolf 21 through his eyes was fascinating and occasionally thrilling. I gasped at Wolf 40's fate (it should be noted that, for the most part, McIntyre just related things as they happened, without too much sensationalizing) and got attached to 21, 42, and 253. 

302 was quite a character, and I'm looking forward to reading McIntyre's book about him. Although audiobook is usually my format of choice for nonfiction and was how I read the first book, I opted for a print copy this time around, and it worked much better for me. I not only got to see McIntyre's various pack charts and maps, as well as the color photos of the wolves, I was also able to skim some of the more boring bits I'd have been forced to slog through in audiobook format.

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