Monday, January 1, 2024

REVIEW: Thanatos (book) by Eva Pohler

Thanatos is the first book in Pohler's Underworld Saga series. It's YA fantasy. I bought my copy new.


I finished this way back in July 2023 and should have reviewed it closer to that time. I've forgotten a lot of the details of the plot of this book, but basically seventeen-year-old Therese ends up in a coma after the car accident that kills both her parents. While in her coma, she meets the sons of Hades, Hypnos and Thanatos, and kisses Thanatos in what she thinks is just a dream. Than, of course, falls in love with her and makes a deal with his father to go find her and try to win her heart. Meanwhile, Than's sisters investigate Therese's parents' death, which was not just an accident.

I met Eva Pohler at a past Book Bonanza and thought her books sounded appealing enough that I bought four of them - a set of the first three books in this series, and one of the books in Pohler's Mystery House series for adults. It's probably a good thing I read the Mystery House book before this one, because that was definitely the stronger work. This book, unfortunately, wasn't good at all, and now I'm bummed that I bought it as part of a set.

Therese was supposed to be seventeen but generally came across to me is being about twelve or thirteen years old. It was tough to believe that a god would ever fall for her. The romantic aspects were cringe-worthy at the best of times, and there were some unintentionally hilarious moments, like the time Therese noted one character's bowl-cut while admiring how gorgeous he was.

I don't like offloading books unread, especially ones I bought brand new, but I may end up doing just that with the next two books in this series. It's possible the series might improve, but the thought of continuing on isn't appealing.

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