Monday, April 24, 2023

REVIEW: False Knees: An Illustrated Guide to Animal Behavior (graphic novel) by Joshua Barkman

False Knees is a collection on humorous cartoons. I bought my copy new.


Another webcomic print collection. It features animals musing about the world and their own existence, or otherwise doing things that realistically drawn animals wouldn't normally do.

To be honest, this comic's humor isn't generally for me. I like the occasional morbid moments, but there's a sameness to the animals philosophizing at each other. There were rarely any strips that made me laugh, although there were definitely a few that managed to surprise me (like the one with the rabbit announcing its plans for the future).

For me, the really appealing thing about this comic is its artwork. I love the colors and linework. It makes me want to get back to some of the creative activities I used to do, like needle felting and drawing.

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