Monday, December 30, 2024

REVIEW: The Walking Cat: A Cat's-Eye View of the Zombie Apocalypse (manga omnibus) by Tomo Kitaoka, translated by Caleb D. Cook

The Walking Cat is a zombie apocalypse manga. I bought my copy new.


This follows Yuki the stray cat as he's taken in by various humans in the midst of a zombie apocalypse. First, Yuki travels with Jin, a man looking for his wife, Satoko. When Jin learns that Satoko has left for an island that's supposedly untouched by zombies, he heads there as well. After that, Yuki lives with Kaoru, a girl who's part of the little island survivor community. Kaoru wants to become part of the resource hunting crew that periodically leaves the island, because she can't stand to be around her mother, who's made an abusive jerk the most important person in her life. After Kaoru, Yuki travels with Fuuta, a boy who comes across a group of kids who, for various reasons, hate adults. They travel to a little village only to discover that it's inhabited by a man who isn't interested in having company.

Wow, this was a stressful read. For those who need it, here's a slight animal-related spoiler: Yuki is in peril several times throughout the story, but he survives and is still having a nice cat life by the end of the omnibus volume. There's also a pack of dogs that seems to be doing well.

The artwork in this was occasionally confusing. Scenes didn't always flow well, and some of the characters looked a little too similar. Still, it did the job.

The actual zombie stuff in this will be familiar to anyone who's watched or read any zombie apocalypse stuff in the past few years. There were the usual sad scenes where you know certain characters aren't going to last much longer, even if they're not actively in danger of being eaten by zombies. There are the characters who hide that one of them has been bitten, putting everyone else in danger. There are some survivors who help others and some survivors who are willing to kill other survivors in order to secure their own safety.

Yuki the cat gives the human survivors who care for him something to focus on besides themselves and the world that's falling down around their ears. He adds some relatively sweet and humorous moments too, even though some of it had me rolling my eyes. For example, Yuki spent a period of time pursuing a female cat in heat, with Jin doing his best to ensure that his furry little friend wasn't interrupted by zombie attacks. My favorite was the ex-boxer with a secret soft spot for Yuki - so cute!

All in all, this was okay, but I'm kind of glad that most of the zombie apocalypse stuff I've read and watched doesn't have pets in it. It's stressful enough, worrying about the people.


A couple pages of full-color artwork and a bonus art gallery.

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