Friday, January 1, 2016

Worst of 2015

As far as the stuff I read goes, my "worst" lists include things I gave 1 and 1.5 stars to, although I'll include a few higher starred honorable mentions.

As far as the stuff I watched goes, my "worst" lists will be based on gut feeling. Like I said in my "2015 in numbers" post, I barely kept any stats. I hope to change that in 2016.

Worst Books:
Worst Shorter Works (Novellas and Short Stories):
Worst Graphic Novels (Manga, etc.):

A series is listed if one or more volumes got 1 or 1.5 stars. This may not mean that I think the whole series is that bad (although in this case, it probably does), but I'm listing them by series anyway, because I am lazy.
Honorable Mentions:
Worst Audiobooks:
Worst Movies:
Honorable Mentions:
Worst TV Series: 

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